Craig Whitehead / Sixstreetunder
How did this photo came into being? Did you ‘fish’ for the image or did it just happen?
I fished the spot a few times, when the boards first went up I knew something would happen eventually so I said to myself I would go back everyday for 5 minutes until I got the shot, whatever that may be. It actually only took three trips before I got the shot I did.
Why color?
It’s very important for me to show that image in colour. In black and white the fact that the hoodie doesn’t only match in pattern but is also monochrome is completely lost. It’s a common trick with other pattern matching shots to convert them to black and white to make them seem more surprising than they actually are.
Did you know the other photos? Or other similar ones with stripes combined?
Yes, I’m usually aware of people going to spots I’ve been to and trying similar things. In some cases I know the person anyway or they even tag me in shots or stories in the locations.
What do you think when seeing these photos all together?
It doesn’t bother me at all since none of the others have the real element of luck mine does. I even have another stripes shot from an angle that wasn’t shot by anyone else but it’s not a monochrome outfit and I refuse to switch it to black and white and cheat the moment.

Sonia Fitoussi
How did this photo came into being? Did you ‘fish’ for the image or did it just happen?
This photo was taken in Cambridge in 2017. I have been attracted by this very graphic wall, which was hiding some works done on a building. I decided to take some pictures of people passing by it, I stayed a while as patience (and luck) is my best ally and took some pictures with no special interest until this one came …
Why black and white?
I did not choose to shoot in black and white, I always shoot RAW, but when it came to editing I found it stronger in black and white because colour in this particular scene did not add anything. The purity of black and white matched perfectly with the simplicity of the lines.
Did you know the other photos? Or other similar ones with stripes combined?
I was attracted by this wall and did not see anyone else’s photo before I took mine. It just made me smile when I realised I was not the only one.
What do you think when seeing these photos all together?
I think these photo together enhance each other. We are always better together!!

John Hughes
How did this photo came into being? Did you ‘fish’ for the image or did it just happen?
I was filming a video with a friend and we decided to stop by the temporary wall and see if I could capture someone with stripes against it. We waited there for about 10 minutes and I managed to capture this lady with one photo. The photo for me shows you have luck on your side when shooting street photography.
Why did you choose to shoot in color?
If I’m honest I didn’t really give it a second thought,
I shot the photo in color and that’s what I went with.
Did you know the other photos? Or other similar ones with stripes combined?
I had no idea about the other photos, I knew other photographers had been going to this spot, but as far as I knew, nobody had got a person wearing stripes.
What do you think when seeing these photos all together?
It’s exciting to see the photos together, I guess street photographers see the same. The photos are very similar, yet at the same time very different.

© All the pictures in this post are copyrighted. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.
by Julie Hrudová, founder of StreetRepeat
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