Elisa Tomaselli
We were free to interpret the theme however we saw fit, and it’s fascinating to see that a lot of images are more symbolic than literal – society photographed like a jungle, its citizens like animals. Of course there’s a healthy dose of real animals too, and all together it makes for a well-balanced urban safari seen through the eyes of the five editors. Each guest photographer introduces his or her selection with a short text, helping you understand his or her point of departure.

“Photography makes you stop, look, listen and think. An activity that can deliver this kind of calm and serenity should be prescribed as an antidote to everyone…” – Matt Stuart

‘”The jungle” that you are seeing in your life, who actually is it made by? The society or a someone you don’t know? Or… it just might be something you’ve created yourself. You have that power.’ – Shin Noguchi

“My interpretation of the urban jungle is aggressive, a bit strange, and sometimes it shows people as animals locked in a concrete world where only the strongest or cleverest individuals have a chance to survive.” – Katarzyna Kubiak

What I like is the variety of images, some I’ve never seen before. And the combinations in the spreads, very well put together by editor / Eyeshot founder Marco Savarese.
And in the back of the magazine you’ll find some winning images and series from the Italian Street Photography Festival and Streetfoto San Francisco.
You can order the newest Eyeshot issue, limited and signed, here.
Eyeshot Magazine website
© All the pictures in this post are copyrighted. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.
by Julie Hrudová, founder of StreetRepeat
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